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$F(z)$ is a function of the complex variable $z=x+iy$ given by $F(z)+ i \: z + k \: Re(z) + i \: Im(z)$. For what value of $k$ will $F(z)$ satisfy the Cauchy-Riemann equa...
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A five digit number is formed using the digits $1,3,5,7$ and $9$ without repeating any of them. What is the sum of all such possible five digit numbers?$6666660$$6666600$...
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If $z$ is a complex variable, the value of $\displaystyle{} \int_{5}^{3i}\dfrac{dz}{z}$ is$− 0.511−1.57i$$− 0.511+1.57i$$0.511− 1.57i$$0.511+1.57i$
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Find the sum of the expression$\dfrac{1}{\sqrt{1}+\sqrt{2}}+\dfrac{1}{\sqrt{2}+\sqrt{3}}+\dfrac{1}{\sqrt{3}+\sqrt{4}}+ \dots \dots +\dfrac{1}{\sqrt{80}+\sqrt{81}}$$7$$8$$...
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Multiplication of real valued square matrices of same dimension isassociativecommutativealways positive definitenot always possible to compute
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The evaluation of the definite integral $\int ^{1.4}_{ – 1}x \mid x \mid dx$ by using Simpson’s $1/3^{rd}$ (one - third) rule with step size $h=0.6$ yields$0.914$$1.2...
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A hydraulic press has a ram of $15 \: \text{cm}$ diameter and plunger of $1.5 \: \text{cm}$. It is required to lift a mass of $1000 \: \text{kg}$. The force required on p...
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The crystal structure of aluminium is.body-centered cubic.face-centered cubic.close-packed hexagonal.body-centered tetragonal.
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In simple exponential smoothing forecasting, to give higher weightage to recent demand information, the smoothing constant must be close to$-1$$\text{zero}$$0.5$$1.0$
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In an arc welding process, the voltage and current are $30 \mathrm{~V}$ and $200 \mathrm{~A}$, respectively. The cross-sectional area of the joint is $20 \mathrm{~mm}^{2}...