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2 votes
In a $12$-hour clock that runs correctly, how many times do the second, minute, and hour hands of the clock coincide, in a $12$-hour duration from $3$ PM in a day to $3$ ...
1 answers
2 votes
After playing __________ hours of tennis, I am feeling __________________ tired to walk back.too/tootoo/twotwo/ twotwo/too
1 answers
2 votes
Which one of the groups given below can be assembled to get the shape that is shown above using each piece only once without overlapping with each other? (rotation and tr...
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If $f\left ( x \right ) = 2 \:\ln \left ( \sqrt{e^{x}} \right )$, what is the area bounded by $f\left ( x \right )$ for the interval $\left [ 0,2 \right ]$ on the $x$ –...
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1 votes
Which one of the following is a representation (not to scale and in bold) of all values of $x$ satisfying the inequality $2 - 5x \leq - \dfrac{6x - 5}{3}$ on the real num...
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Writing too many things on the ___________ while teaching could make the students get _____________.bored / boardboard / boredboard / boardbored / bored
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Which one of the following $\text{CANNOT}$ impart linear motion in a $\text{CNC}$ machine?Linear motorBall screwLead screwChain and sprocket