1 answers
​​​Find the odd one out in the set: $\{19,37,21,17,23,29,31,11\}$$21$$29$$37$$23$
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​​​​​In the following series, identify the number that needs to be changed to form the Fibonacci series.$1,1,2,3,6,8,13,21, \ldots$$8$$21$$6$$13$
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​​​Four equilateral triangles are used to form a regular closed three-dimensional object by joining along the edges. The angle between any two faces is$30^{\circ}$$...
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​​The value of the surface integral$\oiint_{S} z d x d y$ where $S$ is the external surface of the sphere $x^{2}+y^{2}+z^{2}=R^{2}$ is$0$$4 \pi R^{3}$$\frac{4 \pi}{3}...
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​​​​Which one of the following failure theories is the most conservative design approach against fatigue failure?Soderberg lineModified Goodman lineGerber lineYie...
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​​​​​The phases present in pearlite areaustenite and ferritecementite and austeniteferrite and cementitemartensite and ferrite
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​​​​The "Earing" phenomenon in metal forming is associated withdeep drawingrollingextrusionforging
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​​​​The grinding wheel used to provide the best surface finish is$\mathrm{A} 36 \mathrm{~L} 5 \mathrm{~V}$$\mathrm{A} 54 \mathrm{~L} 5 \mathrm{~V}$$\mathrm{A} 60 ...
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​​​​The allowance provided to a pattern for easy withdrawal from a sand mold isfinishing allowanceshrinkage allowancedistortion allowanceshake allowance
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​​​​The most suitable electrode material used for joining low alloy steels using Gas Metal Arc Welding $\text{(GMAW)}$ process iscoppercadmiumlow alloy steeltungs...
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​​​The preparatory functions in Computer Numerical Controlled $\text{(CNC)}$ machine programing are denoted by the alphabet$\mathrm{G}$$\mathrm{M}$$\mathrm{P}$$\mat...
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​​​​The matrix $\left[\begin{array}{ll}1 & a \\ 8 & 3\end{array}\right]$ (where $a>0$ ) has a negative eigenvalue if $a$ is greater than$\frac{3}{8}$$\frac{1}{8}$...