Recent questions tagged numerical-ability

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The ratio of the area of the inscribed circle to the area of the circumscribed circle of an equilateral triangle is ___________$\frac{1}{8}$$\frac{1}{6}$$\frac{1}{4}$$\fr...
1 answers
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$$\begin{array}{|c|c|} \hline \textbf{Company} & \textbf{Ratio} \\\hline C1 & 3:2 \\\hline C2 & 1:4 \\\hline C3 & 5:3 \\\hline C4 & 2:3 \\\hline C5 & 9:1 \\\hline C6 & 3:...
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1 answers
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Select the graph that schematically represents BOTH $y=x^{m}\:\text{and}\:y=x^{1/m}$ properly in the interval $0\leq x \leq 1$, for integer values of $m,$ where $m 1.$
1 answers
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The product of three integers $X$, $Y$ and $Z$ is $192$. $Z$ is equal to $4$ and $P$ is equal to the average of $X$ and $Y$. What is the minimum possible value of $P$?$6$...
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1 answers
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The sum and product of two integers are $26$ and $165$ respectively. The difference between these two integers is ______$2$$3$$4$$6$
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The value of the expression $\dfrac{1}{1+ \log_u \: vw} + \dfrac{1}{1+ \log_v \: wu} + \dfrac{1}{1+\log_w uv}$ is _______$-1$$0$$1$$3$
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Which of the following functions describe the graph shown in the below figure?$y=\mid \mid x \mid + 1 \mid -2$$y=\mid \mid x \mid - 1 \mid -1$$y=\mid \mid x \mid + 1 \mid...
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Given that $a$ and $b$ are integers and $a+a^2 b^3$ is odd, which of the following statements is correct?$a$ and $b$ are both odd$a$ and $b$ are both even$a$ is even and ...
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0 answers
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A number consists of two digits. The sum of the digits is $9$. If $45$ is subtracted from the number, its digits are interchanged. What is the number?$63$$72$$81$$90$
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Seven machines take $7$ minutes to make $7$ identical toys. At the same rate, how many minutes would it take for $100$ machine to make $100$ toys?$1$$7$$100$$700$