Recent activity in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences

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A second order real system has the following properties.The damping ratio is 0.5 and undamped natural frequency is 10rad/sec, the steady state value at zero is 1.02.the t...
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The radiative heat transfer rate per unit area $(W/m2)$ between two plane parallel grey surfaces (emissivity $0.9$) maintained at $400 \: \text{K}$ and $300 \: \text{K}$ ...
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The pressure drop for a relatively low Reynolds number flow in a $600 \: \text{mm}, \: 30 \: \text{m}$ long pipeline is $70 \;\text{kPa}$. What is the wall shear stress?$...
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Across a normal shockStatic pressure and the static temperature riseentropy remains constantvelocity and static pressure decreasedensity and temperature decrease
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The relation ${p^{V}}^{\gamma}=$ constant, where $\gamma$ is the ratio of the specific heats of ideal gas, is applicable toAny adiabatic processOnly reversible adiabatic ...
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If the stream function is given by $\Psi=3xy$, then the velocity at a point $(2,3)$ will be$7.21 \: \text{unit}$$18 \: \text{unit}$$10.82 \: \text{unit}$$54 \: \text{unit...
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A hydraulic press has a ram of $15 \: \text{cm}$ diameter and plunger of $1.5 \: \text{cm}$. It is required to lift a mass of $1000 \: \text{kg}$. The force required on p...
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The thermodynamic cycle shown in figure ($T$-$s$ diagram) indicatesreversed Carnot cyclereversed Brayton cyclevapor compression cyclevapor absorption cycle
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The internal energy of an ideal gas is a function oftemperature and pressurevolume and pressureentropy and pressuretemperature only
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Match the following $$\begin{array}{|cl|cl|}\hline&\text{Heat treatment process} && \text{Effect}\\ \hlineP:& \text{Tempering} & 1.&\text{Strengthening} \\ \hlineQ:& ...
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Froude number is the ratio ofbuoyancy forces to viscous forcesinertia forces to viscous forcesbuoyancy forces to inertia forcesinertia forces to gravity forces
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Match the following non-dimensional numbers with the corresponding definitions:$\begin{array}{|c|c|c|cI|} \hline {} & \textbf{Non-dimensional number} & {} & \textbf{Def...
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Sphere $1$ with a diameter of $0.1$ m is completely enclosed by another sphere $2$ of diameter $0.4$m. The view factor $F_{12}$ is$0.0625$$0.25$$0.5$$1.0$
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