Recent questions tagged flywheels-and-governors

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A flywheel is attached to an engine to keep its rotational speed between $100\: rad/s$ and $110\: rad/s $. If the energy fluctuation in the flywheel between ... flywheel is____________$kg \cdot m^{2}$ (rounded off to $2$ decimal places).
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For the same material and the mass, which of the following configurations of flywheel will have maximum mass moment of inertia about the axis of rotation OO’ passing through the center of gravity.
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Torque and angular speed data over one cycle for a shaft carrying a flywheel are shown in the figures. The moment of inertia (in $kg.m^2$) of the flywheel is _______
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Consider a flywheel whose mass $M$ is distributed almost equally between a heavy, ring-like rim of radius $R$ ... the flywheel about its axis of rotation is expressed as $αMR^2$, is _______
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A flywheel connected to a punching machine has to supply energy of $400 Nm$ while running at a mean angular speed of $20 rad/s$. If the total fluctuation of speed is not ... $-$m^2$ is$25$50$100$125$
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