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In the analogy, ${\color{Red}\text{“Planting"}}$ is an action related to a ${\color{Blue} \text{“Seed."}}$ Similarly, ${\color{Purple} \text{“Raising"}}$ is an action related to a ${\color{Magenta} \text{“Child."}}$

The other options, such as ${\color{Teal} \text{“Temperature", “Height",}}$ and ${\color{Teal} \text{“Lift",}}$ do not have a direct association with the action of ${\color{Purple} \text{“Raising."}}$

Therefore, ${\color{Magenta} \text{“Child"}}$ is the word that best fits the analogy and maintains the same relationship between the words as ${\color{Blue} \text{“Seed"}}$ does with ${\color{Red}\text{“Planting."}}$

Correct Answer: A
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