Recent questions in Spatial Aptitude

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A planar rectangular paper has two $\text{V}$-shaped pieces attached as shown below.This piece of paper is folded to make the following closed three-dimensional object.The number of folds required to form the above object is$9$7$11$8$
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​​​Four equilateral triangles are used to form a regular closed three-dimensional object by joining along the edges. The angle between any two faces is$30^{\circ}$60^{\circ}$45^{\circ}$90^{\circ}$
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An opaque pyramid (shown below), with a square base and isosceles faces, is suspended in the path of a parallel beam of light, such that its shadow is cast on a screen ... S}$ is NOT possible?$\mathbf{P}$\mathbf{Q}$\mathbf{R}$\mathbf{S}$
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Which one of the groups given below can be assembled to get the shape that is shown above using each piece only once without overlapping with each other? (rotation and translation operations may be used).
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A block with a trapezoidal cross-section is placed over a block with rectangular cross section as shown above.Which one of the following is the correct drawing ... object as viewed in the direction indicated by an arrow in the above figure?
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Consider a square sheet of side $1$ unit. The sheet is first folded along the main diagonal. This is followed by a fold along its line of symmetry. The resulting folded shape is again ... $\frac{1}{8}$\frac{1}{16}$\frac{1}{32}$
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A jigsaw puzzle has $2$ pieces. One of the pieces is shown above. Which one of the given options for the missing piece when assembled will form a rectangle? The piece can be moved, rotated or flipped to assemble with the above piece.
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