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The demand and forecast of an item for five months are given in the table.

&\textbf{Month} & \textbf{Demand} & \textbf{Forecast} \\ \hline &\text{April} & \text{225} & \text{200} \\ \hline &\text{May} & \text{220} & \text{240}\\ \hline &\text{June} & \text{285} & \text{300}  \\ \hline &\text{July} & \text{290} & \text{270}  \\ \hline  &\text{August} & \text{250} & \text{230} \\ \hline  \end{array}$$

The Mean Absolute Percent Error $\text{(MAPE)}$ in the forecast is __________________ $\% (\textit{round off to two decimal places}$)
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