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Under a certain legal system, prisoners are allowed to make one statement. If their statements turns out to be true then they are hanged. If the statements turns to be false then they are shot. One prisoner made a statement and the judge had no option but to set him free. Which one of the following could be that statement?

  1. I did not commit the crime
  2. I committed the crime
  3. I will be shot
  4. You committed the crime
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2 Answers

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Option-C Because it is a prediction in which true and false takes place according to the statement that is why option C is correct option.
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if statement is true , prisoner is hanged
if statement is false , prisoner is shot.
“i’ll be shot “
if his statement is true then he will be hanged , but if he is to be hanged, he should shot,to make his statement true . So the judge let him free as he couldn’t decide .

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