1 answers
$$\begin{array}{|c|c|} \hline \textbf{Company} & \textbf{Ratio} \\\hline C1 & 3:2 \\\hline C2 & 1:4 \\\hline C3 & 5:3 \\\hline C4 & 2:3 \\\hline C5 & 9:1 \\\hline C6 & 3:...
0 answers
The value of $\displaystyle{} \lim_{x \rightarrow 0} \left( \frac{1 – \cos x}{x^{2}}\right)$ is$\frac{1}{4}$$\frac{1}{3}$$\frac{1}{2}$$1$
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The Dirac-delta function $\left ( \delta \left ( t-t_{0} \right ) \right )$ for $\text{t}$, $t_{0} \in \mathbb{R}$, has the following property$$\int_{a}^{b}\varphi \left ...
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The loading and unloading response of a metal is shown in the figure. The elastic and plastic strains corresponding to $\text{200 MPa}$, respectively, are$0.01$ and $0.01...
0 answers
In a machining operation, if a cutting tool traces the workpiece such that the directrix is perpendicular to the plane of the generatrix as shown in figure, the surface g...
0 answers
The correct sequence of machining operations to be performed to finish a large diameter through hole isdrilling, boring, reamingboring, drilling, reamingdrilling, reaming...
0 answers
In modern $\text{CNC}$ machine tools, the backlash has been eliminated bypreloaded ballscrewsrack and pinionratchet and pinionslider crank mechanism
0 answers
Consider the surface roughness profile as shown in the figureThe center line average roughness ($R_{a}$, in $\mu m$) of the measured length $\text{(L)}$ is$0$$1$$2$$4$
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0 answers
Consider a reciprocating engine with crank radius $\text{R}$ and connecting rod of length $\text{L}$. The secondary unbalance force for this case is equivalent to primary...
0 answers
Robot $\text{Ltd}$. wishes to maintain enough safety stock during the lead time period between starting a new production run and its completion such that the probability ...