Recent questions tagged fluid-mechanics

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Which one of the following is NOT a rotating machine?Centrifugal pumpGear pumpJet pumpVane pump
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Steam at an initial enthalpy of $100$ $kJ/kg$ and inlet velocity of $100$ $m/s$, enters an insulated horizontal nozzle. It leaves the nozzle at $200$ $m/s$. The exit enth...
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Grashof number signifies the ratio ofinertia force to viscous forcebuoyancy force to viscous forcebuoyancy force to inertia forceinertia force to surface tension force
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For the situation shown in the figure below the expression for $H$ in terms of $r$, $R$ and $D$ is $H=D+\sqrt{r^2+R^2}$$H=(R+r)+(D+r)$$H=(R+r)+\sqrt{D^2-R^2}$$H=(R+r)+\sq...
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In the phase diagram shown in the figure, four samples of the same composition are heated to temperatures marked by $a, b, c$ and $d$.At which temperature will a sample g...
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The volumetric flow rate (per unit depth) between two streamlines having stream functions $\Psi _1$ and $\Psi _2$ is$\mid \Psi _1+\Psi _2\mid$$\Psi _1\Psi _2$$\Psi _1/\Ps...
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Propane ($C_3H_8$) is burned in an oxygen atmosphere with $10$% deficit oxygen with respect to the stoichiometric requirement. Assuming no hydrocarbons in the products, t...
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For a floating body, buoyant force acts at thecentroid of the floating bodycenter of gravity of the bodycentroid of the fluid vertically below the bodycentroid of the dis...
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If a foam insulation is added to a $4 \: cm$ outer diameter pipe as shown in the figure, the critical radius of insulation (in $cm$) is _____________
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If the fluid velocity for a potential flow is given by $V(x,y)=u(x,y)i+v(x,y)j$ with usual notations, then the slope of the potential line at $(x,y)$ is$\dfrac{v}{u} \\$$...
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The velocity field of an incompressible flow is given by $V=(a_1x+a_2y+a_3z)i+(b_1x+b_2y+b_3z)j+(c_1x+c_2y+c_3z)z$, where $a_1$ = $2$ and $c_3$ = − $4$. The value of $b...