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Consider a laterally insulated rod of length $\mathrm{L}$ and constant thermal conductivity. Assuming one-dimensional heat conduction in the rod, which of the following s...
1 answers
2 votes
Which one of the groups given below can be assembled to get the shape that is shown above using each piece only once without overlapping with each other? (rotation and tr...
0 answers
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Which one of the following $\text{CANNOT}$ impart linear motion in a $\text{CNC}$ machine?Linear motorBall screwLead screwChain and sprocket
1 answers
1 votes
If $f\left ( x \right ) = 2 \:\ln \left ( \sqrt{e^{x}} \right )$, what is the area bounded by $f\left ( x \right )$ for the interval $\left [ 0,2 \right ]$ on the $x$ –...
0 answers
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____I permitted him to leave, I wouldn’t have had any problem with him being absent, ____ I?Had, wouldn’tHave, wouldHad, wouldHave, wouldn’t
1 answers
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A final examination is the ____ of a series of evaluations that a student has to go throughculminationconsultationdesperationinsinuation
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1 answers
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Which one of the following is a representation (not to scale and in bold) of all values of $x$ satisfying the inequality $2 - 5x \leq - \dfrac{6x - 5}{3}$ on the real num...
2 answers
1 votes
The ratio of the area of the inscribed circle to the area of the circumscribed circle of an equilateral triangle is ___________$\frac{1}{8}$$\frac{1}{6}$$\frac{1}{4}$$\fr...
1 answers
1 votes
$$\begin{array}{|c|c|} \hline \textbf{Company} & \textbf{Ratio} \\\hline C1 & 3:2 \\\hline C2 & 1:4 \\\hline C3 & 5:3 \\\hline C4 & 2:3 \\\hline C5 & 9:1 \\\hline C6 & 3:...
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1 answers
1 votes
The recent measures to improve the output would ______ the level of production to our satisfactionincreasedecreasespeedequalise
1 answers
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The sum and product of two integers are $26$ and $165$ respectively. The difference between these two integers is ______$2$$3$$4$$6$