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The Venn diagram shows the preference of the student population for leisure activities.From the data given,the number of students who like to read books or play sports is...
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For the situation shown in the figure below the expression for $H$ in terms of $r$, $R$ and $D$ is $H=D+\sqrt{r^2+R^2}$$H=(R+r)+(D+r)$$H=(R+r)+\sqrt{D^2-R^2}$$H=(R+r)+\sq...
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Tanya is older than Eric.Cliff is older than Tanya.Eric is older than Cliff. If the first two statements are true ,then the third statement is :TrueFalseUncertainDa...
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A shaft with a circular cross-section is subjected to pure twisting moment. The ratio of the maximum shear stress to the largest principal stress is$2.0$$1.0$$0.5$$0$
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If $x>y>1$ Which of the following must be true?$\ln x>\ln y$$e^x>e^y$$y^x>x^y$$\cos x>\cos y$(i) and (ii)(i) and (iii)(iii) and (iv)(ii) and (iv)
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Choose the appropriate word/phrase, out of the four options given below, to complete the following sentence:Apparent lifelessness _________ dormant life.harboursleads tos...
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Which of the bearings given below SHOULD NOT be subjected to a thrust load?Deep groove ball bearingAngular contact ball bearingCylindrical (straight) roller bearingSingle...
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The students ___________ the teacher on teachers’ day for twenty years of dedicated teaching.facilitatedfelicitatedfantasizedfacillitated
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In the given figure $Q$ is a right triangle, $$PS:QS = 3:1$$ $$RT:QT = 5:2$$ $$PU:UR = 1:1$$ If area of triangle $QTS$ is $20$ $cm^2$, then the area of triangle $PQR$ in ...
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