Most viewed questions in General Aptitude

2 answers
3 votes
How many pairs of sets $\text{(S, T)}$ are possible among the subsets of $\{1,2,3,4,5,6\}$ that satisfy the condition that $\mathrm{S}$ is a subset of $\mathrm{T}?$ $729$...
1 answers
3 votes
He did not manage to fix the car himself, so he ________ in the it fixedgetting it fixedgets fixedgot fixed
1 answers
2 votes
The minute-hand and second-hand of a clock cross each other ___________ times between $09:15:00$ AM and $09:45:00$ AM on a day.$30$$15$$29$$31$
1 answers
0 votes
Planting : Seed: : Raising: _________(By word meaning)ChildTemperatureHeightLift
1 answers
1 votes
2 answers
1 votes
Once the team of analysis identify the problem, we ____ in a better position to comment on the issue.Which of the following choices CANNOT fill the given blank?will bewer...
0 answers
0 votes
Consider the following inequalities$$\begin{aligned}& p^2-4 q<4 \\& 3 p+2 q<6\end{aligned}$$where $p$ and $q$ are positive integers.The value of $(p+q)$ is __________.$2$...
1 answers
2 votes
In a $12$-hour clock that runs correctly, how many times do the second, minute, and hour hands of the clock coincide, in a $12$-hour duration from $3$ PM in a day to $3$ ...
1 answers
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1 answers
2 votes
After playing __________ hours of tennis, I am feeling __________________ tired to walk back.too/tootoo/twotwo/ twotwo/too
1 answers
1 votes
1 answers
0 votes
The product of three integers $X$, $Y$ and $Z$ is $192$. $Z$ is equal to $4$ and $P$ is equal to the average of $X$ and $Y$. What is the minimum possible value of $P$?$6$...
1 answers
1 votes
Select the word that fits the analogy:White: Whitening : : Light : _________LightningLighteningLightingEnlightening
1 answers
2 votes