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Match the following:

$\begin{array}{|l|l|l|l|} \hline P. & \text{Feeler guage} & I. & \text{Radius of an object} \\ \hline Q. & \text{Fillet guage} & II. & \text{Diameter within limits by comparison} \\ \hline R. & \text{Snap guage}  & III. & \text{Clearance or gap between components} \\ \hline S. & \text{Cylindrical plug guage} & IV & \text{Inside diameter of straight hole}  \\ \hline \end{array}$

  1. $P–III, Q–I, R–II, S–IV$
  2. $P–III, Q–II, R–I, S–IV$
  3. $P–IV, Q–II, R–I, S–III$
  4. $P–IV, Q–I, R–II, S–III$
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