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We can calculate the success rate of every school, then find their average. 

Success rate $ = \dfrac{\text{Number of students who passed the exams}}{\text{Number of appeared students}}$

  • Success rate of school $P = \dfrac{280}{500} \times 100\%  = 56\%.$
  • Success rate of school $Q = \dfrac{330}{600} \times 100\%  = 55\%.$
  • Success rate of school $R = \dfrac{455}{700} \times 100\%  = 65 \%.$
  • Success rate of school $S = \dfrac{240}{400} \times 100\%  =  60\%.$

Now, the average success rates of all the schools $ = \dfrac{56\% + 55\% + 65\%  + 60\%}{4} =  \dfrac{236\%}{4} = 59.0\%.$ 

So, the correct answer is $(C).$

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