Recent questions tagged gateme-2015-set1

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The function of interpolator in a CNC machine controller is tocontrol spindle speedcoordinate feed rates of axescontrol tool rapid approach speedperform Miscellaneous (M)...
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In a linear arc welding process, the heat input per unit length is inversely proportional towelding currentwelding voltagewelding speedduty cycle of the power source
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Under certain cutting conditions, doubling the cutting speed reduces the tool life to $\left (\dfrac{1}{16} \right)^{th}$ of the original. Taylor’s tool life index ($n$...
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A wheel of radius $r$ rolls without slipping on a horizontal surface shown below. If the velocity of point $P$ is $10$ $m/s$ in the horizontal direction, the magnitude of...
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Holes of diameter $25.0^{{+0.020} \\ {+0.040}}$ $mm$ are assembled interchangeably with the pins of diameter $25.0^{{+0.008}\\{+0.005}}$ $mm$. The minimum clearance in th...
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Match the following products with preferred manufacturing processes:$\begin{array}{|l|l|} \hline \textbf{Product} & \textbf{Process} \\ \hline \text{P. Rails} & \text{1. ...
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Which one of the following types of stress-strain relationship best describes the behaviour of brittle materials, such as ceramics and thermosetting plastics, ($\sigma$ =...
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Which one of the following is the most conservative fatigue failure criterion?SoderbergModified GoodmanASME EllipticGerber
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A swimmer can swim $10$ $km$ in $2$ hours when swimming along the flow of a river. While swimming against the flow, she takes $5$ hours for the same distance. Her speed i...
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Consider a steel (Young’s modulus $E$ = $200 \: GPa$) column hinged on both sides. Its height is $1.0 \: m$ and cross-section is $10 \: mm \times 20$ $mm$. The lowest E...
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Two identical trusses support a load of $100$ $N$ as shown in the figure. The length of each truss is $1.0$ $m$; cross-sectional area is $200$ $mm^2$; Young’s modulus $...
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Consider a stepped shaft subjected to a twisting moment applied at $B$ as shown in the figure. Assume shear modulus, $G$ = $77$ $GPa$. The angle of twist at $C$ (in degre...
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Consider a slider crank mechanism with nonzero masses and inertia. A constant torque $\tau$ is applied on the crank as shown in the figure. Which of the following plots b...
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A stream of moist air (mass flow rate $= 10.1 \: kg/s$) with humidity ratio of $0.01 \: \dfrac{kg}{\text{kg dry air}}$ mixes with a second stream of superheated water va...
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Air enters a diesel engine with a density of $1.0$ $kg$/$m^3$. The compression ratio is $21$. At steady state, the air intake is $30 × 10^{-3}$ $kg/s$ and the net work o...
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A Carnot engine ($CE_1$) works between two temperature reservoirs $A$ and $B$, where $T_A$ = $900$ $K$ and $T_B$ = $500$ $K$. A second Carnot engine ($CE_2$) works betwee...
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For an ideal gas with constant values of specific heats, for calculation of the specific enthalpy,it is sufficient to know only the temperatureboth temperature and pressu...
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The Blasius equation related to boundary layer theory is athird-order linear partial differential equationthird-order nonlinear partial differential equationsecond-order ...
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Given two complex numbers $z_1=5+(5\sqrt{3})i$ and $z_2=\dfrac{2}{\sqrt{3}}+2i$ , the argument of $\dfrac{z_1}{z_2}$ in degrees is$0$$30$$60$$90$
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The value of $\displaystyle{} \lim_{x\rightarrow 0}\dfrac{1- \cos(x^2)}{2x^4}$ is$0 \\$$\dfrac{1}{2} \\$$\dfrac{1}{4} \\$undefined
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Simpson’s $\dfrac{1}{3}$ rule is used to integrate the function $f(x)=\dfrac{3}{5}x^2+\dfrac{9}{5}$ between $x = 0$ and $x=1$ using the least number of equal sub-interv...
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Among the four normal distributions with probability density functions as shown below, which one has the lowest variance?$I$$II$$III$$IV$
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If any two columns of a determinant $P=\begin{bmatrix} 4 & 7 & 8\\ 3 & 1 & 5\\ 9 & 6 & 2 \end{bmatrix}$ are interchanged, which one of the following statements regarding ...
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For flow of viscous fluid over a flat plate, if the fluid temperature is the same as the plate temperature, the thermal boundary layer isthinner than the velocity boundar...
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Consider fully developed flow in a circular pipe with negligible entrance length effects. Assuming the mass flow rate, density and friction factor to be constant, if the ...